Table of Contents

What happens when you combine Notion with Pokémon? My guess would be something like this, a Pokédex / database containing Pokémon descriptions, types, stats, evolutions, ...
What is Notion?ChangelogSpecial ThanksThis started as a little experiment that got slightly out of hand. Since Pokémon has so many entries each with their own individual statistics and relationships to one another, it seemed like a good candidate for a Notion database. It ended up becoming a full-fledged Pokédex.
On this page you can view:
- All 898 known Pokémon
- All Mega Evolutions
- All alternate forms, Alola forms, Galarian forms, ...
- Pokémon organised by generation, typing, gender, form, height, weight, stats, ...
- A type chart containing all weaknesses
- All Pokémon abilities
- All Pokémon moves
- All items that can be held by a Pokémon
Personal Features
If you have your own (free) Notion account, you can duplicate this page to your own workspace by clicking the Duplicate button in the top right of the screen. This will give you your own copy of this page which you can edit and customise to your desires. This allows you to:
- Add your own Pokémon:
- Set their nickname, ID, level, gender, nature, EVs, IVs, ...
- Set their moves, ability and held item
- Have their final stats automatically calculated (based on mainline games)
- Build your own teams!
- Build competitive teams and assign Pokémon to them
- Create teams for multiple games
- Select your own favourite Pokémon
- Select your favourite moves, abilities and items
- Select the Pokémon you've caught
- Select the Pokémon of which you caught a shiny - shiny hunters unite!
- Select which games you've played and own

Organised By
Pokémon by Generation
Pokémon by Gender
Pokémon by Owner
Battle Corner

My Pokémon
